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Different Types of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is not merely exercising, but a treatment tailored to relieve the pain from an injury, illness or bad posture with a special knack. Physical therapy also known as functional rehabilitation helps the patient maintain and improve strength, flexibility and stamina apart from just pain relief. In clinics like Don Kelly Pain Relief, Charleville, […]

Physical Therapy for Back and Neck Pain

90% of the population experience spine and neck problems at least once in their lifetime. A neck or back pain may occur due to bad posture, injury or underlying medical condition. The pain is not isolated to those regions alone; they tend to travel through head, eyes, and arms and further down to legs and […]

Four Things that Could Be Worsening Your Shoulder Pain

Shoulder problems are difficult to manage since most everyday physical activities require some participation by the shoulders. Over the time, the shoulder pain will transform from one form to another when proper care is not taken. These are the 4 things that probably is an indication of worsening of shoulder pain. Dislocation When shoulder is […]

Physical Therapy for Leg Pain

The inflammation of structures in the leg such as joints, muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin and blood vessels may lead to subtle or extreme conditions of leg pain. It may turn out to be a common occurrence to a person who has a history of injuries. The causes of leg pain are associated with […]

Massage Techniques that Help Relive Backaches

We rarely realise the importance of our backbone in our daily activities until the tired back muscles become sore or painful making movement difficult for the body. Instead of taking pain killer medication, you should look for massage techniques which will reduce soreness and provide long term relief from nagging back aches. Different types of […]

What are Common Joint Problems and How to Reduce Them

Most of the joints in the human body exist to bear weight and perform repetitive motions due to work or daily activity. While some joint pains may be temporary and related to injuries, some are persistent signaling bone related illness like arthritis or lupus. Joint pains can be treated based on the cause which can […]

Physical Therapy for Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive strain injury is commonly found in computer professionals who work for long hours at the computer desk. It is a condition in which fatigue that occurred due to damage of muscle fibers cannot recover because of repetitive motion. In such condition, simple tasks such as walking, cooking and cleaning becomes extremely difficult. Mild symptoms […]

What is Golfer’s Elbow and How it is Treated

Golfer’s elbow is a condition caused in elbow and forearm by damaged muscles and ligaments. Muscles are responsible for our body’s voluntary movements. When they are damaged by micro tears they result in restricted movement because of pain and inflammation. Eventually, the formation scar tissues and calcium deposits will create further complications such as restricted […]

How Tension Headaches Can Be Treated With Physical Therapy

A tension headache is the most common kind of headache which can be caused by several factors such as stress, lack of sleep, skipping meals, neck or jaw problem and poor posture. Also known as muscle-spasm headache, it is often difficult to ascertain the cause of such a headache. Overworked muscles cause pain in the […]

Role Of Physical Therapy In Preventing Pain

Physical therapy has long proven to be effective in managing chronic pain, improving mobility and movement and providing rehabilitation after surgery. It is also known as physiotherapy and is a cost-effective method to prevent further injuries. Patients suffering from neck and back pain are most often advised to undergo physical therapy before undergoing more excessive […]