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How Physical Therapy Can Help Recover From Whiplash

In medical terms whiplash is referred to an injury in the neck which is mainly caused if your head is thrust in any direction with a lot of force. The most susceptible parts which are affected or injured are your tendons, ligaments and muscles. In extreme cases of whiplash your spinal joints and nerves can […]

Symptoms Of Tendonitis and Treating it with Physical Therapy

A medical condition due to which the tendons in your body get inflamed is commonly known a tendonitis. When these tendons get inflamed they cause acute pain in your body. It happens mainly due to the overuse of tendons or aging. Usually people who are associated with sports are prone to this condition. Elderly people […]

Different Shoulder Pains- Rehabilitate with Physical Therapy

The shoulders are an important and complex part of the body. A large part of the weight of our daily activities is also borne by our shoulder tissues. Shoulder pain may result in you wanting to lie back in bed with a hot water bottle thus interrupting your daily schedule. Physical therapy is your answer […]

Physical Therapy, Adjunct Therapy

Physical Therapy has evolved over the years and it is an ideal and essential method of pain management. When dealing with musculoskeletal and neuropathic pains, physiotherapy becomes extremely effective especially with the easy exercises and the regime it offers to the patients. Physical therapy relieves people of the pains and allows them to move safely […]

Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment involves thin needles being inserted into the acupuncture points of the body; it’s an alternate form of medicine and a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Even the application of pressure, heat and laser to these points can be associated with acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is a great treatment for people suffering from serious disease […]

Different Ways to Treat Acne

Acne is caused gradually, over time when pores that contain oil glands get blocked and start accumulating dirt and dust causing bacteria and cell build up, forming a plug. Starting from teenage to adulthood, a person can be affected by acne anytime. Sometimes it could be a chronic situation and sometimes it could be mild, […]

Don Kelly Pain Relief Center

The Don Kelly Pain Relief Centre, Limerick, Ireland method of mitigating pain involves a multidisciplinary approach to treating long-term and chronic pain. It is a strategically and methodically designed form of physical therapy focused on pain relief for old and young alike. We have devised a unique model that helps patients get rid of impairments […]

Don Kelly Pain Relief For Lifestyle- Related Diseases

The challenging times we live in has brought with it a cut-throat competitive atmosphere, which in turn has given birth to various ‘lifestyle- related diseases’. More often than not, these diseases are a result of a lifestyle deficient in a regular proper nutritious diet, a taxing work schedule and negligible physical activity. At Don Kelly […]

How Fitness Affects Your Body and Mind?

Fitness is an important aspect for keeping you body healthy. A healthy body helps you to live a long and happy life. A fit body can also decreases the chances of getting sick and also improve your appetite. Exercise is the best option to get fit, regular exercise can help anybody to achieve this. The […]

How Stretching Helps Your Body?

We all know that exercising helps us live longer and keep us healthy. The facts about stretching are little known to the common people; sometimes stretching is all you need in order to keep yourself healthy. In this article we shall look at some of the benefits of stretching to your body and mind. Relieving […]