In medical terms whiplash is referred to an injury in the neck which is mainly caused if your head is thrust in any direction with a lot of force. The most susceptible parts which are affected or injured are your tendons, ligaments and muscles. In extreme cases of whiplash your spinal joints and nerves can also be affected. Mainly whiplash happens due to car accidents and sudden injuries. Symptoms can be seen or felt almost immediately after the injury and they mainly include.
- Inflammation of your neck.
- Pain in your neck.
- The movement of your neck may be hindered.
- Weakness in the affected area.
- Treatment for whiplash
If you suffer from whiplash, it is advisable that you immediately consult your doctor. However, apart from the general oral medication that your doctor provides you can also consult a physical therapist, because physical therapy has proved to be very effective in treating conditions such as whiplash.
A physical therapist also known as musculoskeletal specialist will diagnose your injury properly and treat it accordingly. As already mentioned earlier your muscles, tendons and ligaments are mainly affected due to a whiplash injury, and to relax them you need the help of a professional physical therapist.
Physical therapist Don Kelly will be the most apt person to deal with any pain treatment including that of whiplash. His therapy center has different tailor made options available for different pain.
Various stages of treatment
For people with whiplash injuries the different steps of treatment are mentioned below.
First and foremost your pain is lessened by either manual massage therapy or by applying the heat or cold method. Depending on your condition and the degree of your injury an ultrasound or electrical therapy might also be used. Along with these treatments you might have to use oral pain relievers prescribed by your doctor to reduce the pain.
As your pain starts reducing the inflammation will also reduce along with the pain, if there is any. You can start moving your neck slightly and start with physiotherapy if the therapist deems that it is required.
Your physical therapist will check up with the progress of your treatment and devise a recovery schedule which will include specific neck exercises. The therapist may start with stretching exercises for your neck and slowly advance towards exercises which will strengthen your neck and bring back normal movement.