Acne is caused gradually, over time when pores that contain oil glands get blocked and start accumulating dirt and dust causing bacteria and cell build up, forming a plug. Starting from teenage to adulthood, a person can be affected by acne anytime. Sometimes it could be a chronic situation and sometimes it could be mild, all depends on your diet and lifestyle. There are different ways to cure and prevent acne. Have a look at some of the popular and effective methods to treat acne:
Topical benzoyl peroxide
This treatment includes using the topical benzoyl peroxide in the form of creams, gels or lotions to apply on the skin. This is a cheap way to tackle mild acne. It controls the bacteria which contribute to acne. This takes around six weeks of application to work effectively. There are also liquid and bar face washes to clean the affected area.
Topical salicylic acid
Even this treatment is use to treat mild cases of acne. Topical salicylic acid is a beta hydroxyl acid which acts by peeling off the skin lightly thereby unblocking the clogged pores and remove the pimples. It can’t stop the oil production of the glands alone therefore it should be used regularly to control acne. It is a popular ingredient in many of the lotions and creams used for acne control.
Topical retinoids
This is also a treatment for mild acne; they work by preventing the blockage of skin pores which leads to pimples and blackheads. Retinoid is a derivative of vitamin A which has an anti inflammatory effect on the skin. Its dosage is daily twice dabbing the affected area. This is only available through prescription.
Topical azelaic acid
This is a prescription based medicine that works by killing the bacteria that infects the pores. It also helps in the breaking down of keratin which is a protein produced by your skin which blocks the pores. It takes a total of four weeks to actually feel the effect and should be continued if no improvement is noticed. It has few side effects such as dryness, burning and scaling of the skin.
Topical antibiotics
Antibiotics are applied to the skin to treat mild cases of acne. It could be a combination of antibiotics and retinoids or brnzoyl peroxide to control bacterial growth which leads to acne. The common antibiotics used are clindamycin and erythromycin. These are available in gels or lotions and are used twice daily.