Are Your Knees Worn-Out
Are your knees stiff and achy when you get out of bed in the morning? Is it painful to go up and downstairs? Or stand up after you’ve been sitting for a while?
Why your knees wear out.Few joints in the body do as much every day as the knees. They help you walk, climb, carry heavy objects, and work. In fact, every step you take on the level ground puts one to one and a half times your body weight on each knee. Make that two to three times your weight, when you go up and downstairs. And if you’re a few pounds heavier than you’d like, your knees are getting hit with an extra four to six pounds of pressure for every extra pound!
Don’t: Stay on the Couch Too Long. Exercise builds strong muscles around your joints, and that helps prevent injuries. Once your knee has had enough rest, get back out there. Low-impact water workouts or tai chi are good options. But don’t overdo it or you’ll risk more pain.
Don’t: Risk Slips, Trips, or Falls. Wear shoes with good tread on them to cut your risk of a slip. Choose low-heeled ones with soft, rubber soles. Keep your home’s hallways and stairwells well lit, and clear floors of things you could trip over.
Forget to Stretch. The muscles around your knees can get tight, and that can lead to painful injuries. Daily stretches can prevent that and muscle pain. Ask your doctor or physical therapist for easy moves to help you limber up before you walk or do any other activity.
Sleep in the Wrong Position. This can make your knee pain worse. Try out different positions, and put a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side. Don’t prop up a bent knee on a pillow, though — that can make it harder to unbend your leg the next day.
Almost everyone has experienced a minor knee difficulty at some time or another.
More often than not our bodily actions don’t create problems, but it’s unsurprising that symptoms develop from day-to-day deterioration, excessive use, or injuries. Knee issues and traumas generally take place in the course of sporting activities or leisure activities, work-related duties, or household tasks.
Although knee problems are often the result of an injury to one or more of these structures, they may have other causes. Some people are more prone to get knee problems than others. There are many factors that can increase the likelihood of knee injuries.
Age, activity level, sporting activities and other medical conditions can play a role.
Knee problems are mostly caused by injuries. Acute (sudden) injuries may be caused by a blow to the knee or from abnormal twisting, or bending the knee, or falling on the knee.
Pain, bruising, or swelling can be severe and develop within minutes of the injury. Nerves or blood vessels may be nipped or damaged due to the injury.
The knee or lower leg may feel weak, numb, or cold; It might tingle, or look blue or pale. Acute injuries include:
-Strains, sprains, or other injuries to the tendons and ligaments that connect and support the kneecap.
-Tears in the rubbery cushions of the meniscus (knee joint).
-Tears in the ligaments. The most commonly injured ligament of the knee is the medial collateral ligament (MCL).
-Fractures of the kneecap, the lower part of the femur, or upper part of the tibia or fibula. Knee fractures are most often caused by an abnormal force, such as falling on your knee, a severe twisting motion, or any severe force that bends the knee, or if your knee hits an object with great force.
-Dislocation of the kneecap. This occurs most frequently in 13 to 18-year-old girls. Bits of bone or tissue from fractures or dislocations may get trapped in the joint and get in the way of movement.
-Dislocation of the knee joint. This is a rare injury that would only come from great force. It is a serious injury and would require immediate medical care.
-Injuries arising from Overuse
Overuse injuries happen with repetitive activities or prolonged or repeated pressure on the knee. Activities like climbing stairs, jogging, bicycle riding, or jumping stress joints and other tissues and can lead to inflammation and irritation.
Ways To Relieve Knee Pain That Really Work
Physical Therapy And Exercise
Strengthening the muscles around your knee will make it more stable. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy or different types of strengthening exercises based on the specific condition that is causing your pain.
If you are physically active or practice a sport, you may need exercises to correct movement patterns that may be affecting your knees and to establish good technique during your sport or activity. Exercises to improve your flexibility and balance also are important.
Stretching the quad and hamstring muscle group are a great way of relieving knee pain.
Lie on your front with both legs together.
Bend the leg to be stretched, bringing your heel towards your buttocks.
Hold your ankle with your hand, and bring the heel in as far as you can.
Ensure your knees stay close together.
You should feel the stretch in the front of your thigh.
Hold this position.
Aqua Therapy is also very beneficial. Just basic walking up and down a swimming pool is a great way of exercising the knees without putting too much stress on them.
Applying heat and ice to knees is also a good way of relieving knee pain, alternate between the two. Put an ice pack on for 2 minutes and then a heat pack for 2 minutes.
Repeat this procedure 5 times for 20 mins, always finish by applying the ice pack.
Custom Orthotics
In my clinic over the years, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that patients who I have treated after having knee or hip surgery have all shown some level of deformity of the feet, especially FLAT FOOT.
In most of the cases the patients have had flat feet or fallen arches, in other words, flat feet cause overpronation of the feet which put added stress on the ankle, knee and hip joints.
Thus causing problems in these areas and if these areas are stressed it’s only a matter of time before you will start getting back pain and sciatica symptoms.
For me, the best way to eliminate this pain and reduce the risks of surgery are orthotics, which essentially are foot supports designed to reduce the stress on the foot caused by Flat feet.
The most important aspect of orthotic arch supports is the strength at the arch and the heel, these areas must be well supported and strong to help correct the over-pronation and reduce the stress on the joints.
This is why most orthotics don’t work because essentially there is not enough support under the foot, so please don’t waste your time and money on an orthotic that will not offer enough support.
If you have any questions- feel free to reach out! I always provide free phone consultations.