A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. This is caused when a bump, blow, or jolt exerts a force on your brain withinyour skull. This force can c ause a temporary injury to your brain. Symptoms vary greatly depending on which part of your brain has been affected.

Concussion may cause physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms and problems, both short-term and long-term. Every concussion is considered a serious injury by health care providers. If you have experienced a head injury, seek medical help immediately.
The injury can happen during rapid movement changes (such as whiplash) or when the head is directly hit. This shaking or hitting of the head causes unpredictable injury to any area of the brain, resulting in immediate or delayed changes in the brain’s chemistry and function. Less than 10% of concussions involve a loss of consciousness. Depending on which area of the brain suffers injury, many different temporary or permanent problems with brain function can occur.
Motor vehicle collisions (ie, head impact, whiplash)Concussions can occur at any age, from a variety of causes, including:
Work accidents (ie, falls, head trauma).
Playground accidents (ie, falling from a slide or swing).
Sports injury to the head or neck.
Falls (which are the leading cause of concussions).
Violent events, such as:
Physical abuse during which the head is shaken.
Being too close to a blast or explosion.
Direct blow to the head, face, or neck.
Concussion should be recognised and diagnosed as soon as possible for a
successful recovery. Following a concussion, Your brain is vulnerable to further injury.
Even with mild symptoms, returning to activity too quickly can prolong your recovery. Your physiotherapist will be able to provide you with guidance on how to return to your work, hobbies and exercise, safely.
Concussion may occur along with other injuries, such as those to the neck and surrounding tissues, which should be managed by an experience physiotherapist.
The aim of rehabilitation is to initially help you to manage and reduce your symptoms. Then, when appropriate, help you to safely get back
to all of your usual activities.