An Achilles tendinopathy is an overuse injury. It tends to occur as a reaction to an increased demand on the tendon, beyond it’s capabilities.

Those with an Achilles tendinopathy will typically report pain and stiffness, which may reduce in the short term with brief gentle movement.
The Achilles tendon lies at the back of your ankle. It is a thick, fibrous tissue that attaches your calf muscle to your heel. The function of the tendon is to transmit the forces of the calf muscle to your foot, allowing you to do movements such as point your toes, run and Jump.

Those who have recently become more active, such as taking up jogging or a jumping sport, can commonly encounter an Achilles tendinopathy.
A change of footwear, particularly to unsupportive flat shoes can also trigger the condition.
The pain tends to increase when a load is placed through the tendon after periods of immobility, such as first thing in the morning or stepping out of the car after a long drive.
Treating an Achilles tendinopathy yourself is very simple, but you have to be patient and strict with your regime.
First and foremost, you must reduce the activities that irritate your tendon. If stress continues to
be placed on the tissues, the tendon will become more and more irritated. Substitute weight bearing sport for activities such as swimming and cycling to maintain your fitness.
How can I prevent Achilles tendon pain?
Whilst it may not be possible to prevent Achilles tendon pain, by taking the following steps you can minimize your risk:
1.Wear Custom Orthotics (medical grade)
Proper footwear, wearing custom orthotics, and an understanding of the causes of Achilles tendonitis can prevent this injury from occurring in the first place.
Custom orthotics & orthotic insoles can be an effective way to reduce the strain on the injured tissue and allow you to continue with your daily activities while also healing from your Achilles tendon injury.
2, Always aim to carry out correct technique when you exercise, so that you minimize the stress on the Achilles tendon
Ensure that you take the time to warm up and cool down properly and appropriately for your chosen activity
3. Incorporate stretching and strengthening sessions into your training regime, so that you can maintain muscle strength and flexibility Increase the intensity and duration of your exercise gradually, and allow adequate recovery time between sessions.
4. Avoid any activity that causes Achilles tendon pain and if you feel any sudden discomfort, stop exercising right away and begin the RICE procedure until you can seek medical attention.
If you are experiencing Achilles tendon pain or suspect that you may have a tendon injury Feel free to make an appointment or give us a ring to discuss.
I have successfully treated my patients with my treatment plan.
Treatment of Achilles tendon injury sustained for four weeks.
She has been given a home care plan of stretch and strength exercises, and we have also done some hands-on therapy on the calf and Achilles tendon also.
If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture and dry needling, please schedule a free phone consultation for your questions.
Phone no: 089 273 4307
Here at Don Kelly Physiotherapy and Acupuncture clinic we have treated this very common condition very successfully in both our Limerick and Charleville clinics.
Physio exercises and acupressure: This can be an ancient type of treatment that is comparable to acupuncture, but does not use needles. It applies pressure to particular pressure points which encourages blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, and triggers our body natural healing :
I have treated my patients with a 100% success rate. Armed with experience in the last 20 years of providing my physiotherapy services in Limerick and Charleville.
If you experience chronic pain, injuries, or advice for knee surgery and replacement please don’t hesitate to reach out. I have treated thousands of my patients with successful results over the last 20 years of my physio services.
BEFORE YOU SAY YES TO KNEE SURGERY REPLACEMENT– give me a ring for an assessment.
My treatment plan is the result of my experience and knowledge in treating chronic pains and injuries over the last 20 years. This is the holistic plan to guarantee pain relief, prevent recurring pains, and faster recovery.