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Achilles Tendinopathy

An Achilles tendinopathy is an overuse injury. It tends to occur as a reaction to an increased demand on the tendon, beyond it’s capabilities. Those with an Achilles tendinopathy will typically report pain and stiffness, which may reduce in the short term with brief gentle movement. The Achilles tendon lies at the back of your […]

Why does Acupuncture work

In my profession over the years, I have treated countless patients and experienced pain relief with the combination of physiotherapy, acupuncture/dry needling and homecare programme.  Western medicine provides diagnosis through lab test and it focuses on eliminating symptoms  Holistic therapy (acupuncture, dry needling, meditation) focuses on the body’s overall response to treatment and recognizes the […]

How to Beat Morning Pain From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Morning pain is common with rheumatoid arthritis. Your joints may also feel stiff and pop or creak as you get out of bed. You might have trouble getting things done. It could take an hour or more for the pain and stiffness to ease up. But it doesn’t have to stop you. With a few […]

Preventing Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes

With so many young athletes playing sports, it’s no wonder injuries are common. Half of all sports medicine injuries in children and teens are from overuse. What is an Overuse Injury? An overuse injury is damage to a bone, muscle, ligament, or tendon caused by repetitive stress without allowing time for the body to heal. […]

Potential Causes of Back Pain in Children and Teens

The shape and curvature of the spine constantly change through childhood, and these changes can make the spine prone to injury, trauma, and medical conditions. The vertebra, which is the bony building block of the spine, predominantly changes from a flexible cartilaginous tissue into the bony skeleton of an adult. Children are unique in terms […]

Hip Pain

The hip’s unique anatomy enables it to be both extremely strong and amazingly flexible, so it can bear weight and allow for a wide range of movement. The hip joint can withstand repeated motion and a fair amount of wear and tear. This ball-and-socket joint — the body’s largest — fits together in a way […]

All about Neck Pain

Neck pain is any time your neck hurts. It’s a common problem with lots of causes. Your neck has a tough job. It holds up the same weight as a bowling ball all day long. The bones at the top of your spine, along with your muscles and ligaments, support your head, which weighs about […]


Physiotherapy is a great tool for preventing long-term health issues, which is why its critical kids are seen throughout the season, not just when an injury has occurred—or even worse, years later when the pain has become unbearable. Chances are, if you are raising a child, at some point the words “physiotherapy” will come your […]

Epidemic Sitting Disease

How can an inactive lifestyle lead to health problems? A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity. A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much […]


Every mile you walk puts 60 tons of stress on each foot. Your feet can handle a heavy load, but too much stress pushes them over their limits. When you pound your feet on hard surfaces playing sports or wear shoes that irritate sensitive tissues, you may develop heel pain, the most common problem affecting […]