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Finding Relief: Can Dry Needling Help With Sciatica?

Sciatica, the radiating pain that travels down the leg thanks to an irritated sciatic nerve, can be debilitating. Thankfully, there are treatment options beyond medication and rest. Dry needling, a technique gaining traction in physical therapy circles, beneficial in your fight against sciatica pain. What is Dry Needling? Dry needling should not be confused with […]

Herniated Discs: Understanding the Painful ‘Slip’

Your spine is a remarkable column of bones (vertebrae) that provides stability and lets you move. Between each vertebra lies a shock-absorbing disc, acting like a cushion. These discs have a tough outer ring (annulus fibrosus) and a soft, gel-like center (nucleus pulposus)   A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, […]

What Does a Pop in Your Knee Mean?

What Does a Pop in Your Knee Mean? A sudden “pop” in your knee can be a disconcerting experience. Whether it happens during physical activity or while performing routine tasks, that unexpected sound can raise concerns about the health of your knee joint. But what exactly does a pop in your knee mean? Is it […]

Most Common Gaelic Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Gaelic football and hurling, require a combination of speed, agility, strength, and endurance, making them thrilling to watch and participate in. However, like any contact sport, Gaelic games come with the risk of injury. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common Gaelic injuries and provide tips on how to prevent them, […]

Kneecap Pain Symptoms & Treatment

(img src="kneecap pain treatment.png" alt="Knee Injuries Treatment Limerick physio clinic Charleville physio clinic)

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a broad term used to describe pain in the front of the knee and around the patella, or kneecap. It is sometimes called “runner’s knee” or “jumper’s knee” because it is common in people who participate in sports—particularly females and young adults—but PFPS can occur in nonathletes, as well. Anatomy […]


Sciatica is a medical condition characterized by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, running from the lower back down through the hips, buttocks, and each leg. Sciatica typically affects one side of the body. The most common cause of sciatica […]


Dry needling can help with shoulder pain as the treatment targets the three key muscles in the shoulder: the anterior deltoid, infraspinatus, and the subscapularis muscles. It targets the muscles and helps to:–    Relieve the pain–    Address the imbalance caused by sore muscles–    Address the lack of nutrients and creates an anti-inflammatory […]

Healing Lower Back Pain: A Guide to Relief and Recovery

Lower back pain is a prevalent issue affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. It can be caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, injury, and underlying medical conditions. Dealing with lower back pain can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to promote healing, alleviate discomfort, and prevent future occurrences. Seek […]