Avoid These Bad Habits For Your Back
If your back hurts but you don’t recall an injury, it may stem from something you’re doing — how you’re sleeping, moving, and perhaps even eating. Sit Hunched Do it too much, and it can flatten the natural curve of your spine and damage the cushioned disks between the bones. This can lead to early […]
What Causes Musculoskeletal Pain?
The causes of musculoskeletal pain are varied. Muscle tissue can be damaged with the wear and tear of daily activities. Trauma to an area (jerking movements, auto accidents, falls, fractures, sprains, dislocations, and direct blows to the muscle) also can cause musculoskeletal pain. Other causes of pain include postural strain, repetitive movements, overuse, and prolonged […]
Avoid These Bad Habits For Your Back
If your back hurts but you don’t recall an injury, it may stem from something you’re doing — how you’re sleeping, moving, and perhaps even eating. Sit Hunched Do it too much, and it can flatten the natural curve of your spine and damage the cushioned disks between the bones. This can lead to early […]
What causes MIGRAINE
Migraine headaches affect up to 15% of the population, affecting women approximately 18% and men 8%. It is deemed to be a significant disabler due to its impact on quality of life, especially when chronic. It is estimated that 1-2% of migraine sufferers are suffering from the chronic variant, i.e chronic migraine. Chronic migraine is […]