Pain relief and solid recovery without pain medications and expensive medical bills. Hip and knee pain can keep you from the activities you love, as well as make routine tasks difficult. But there are many ways to get you moving again pain-free, without surgery. Whether you’ve been battling knee or hip pain for years, or […]

Finding proven solutions and solid recovery for your aching back without medication and expensive medical bills. Low back pain affects people of all ages, from children to the elderly, and is a very frequent reason for medical consultations. It can be acute, sub-acute, or chronic. Though several risk factors have been identified (including occupational posture, […]

Osteoporosis is a disease you get when you lose bone faster than you make it. “Osteo” means bone, and “porosis” means porous (full of holes). The bone loss of osteoporosis makes your bones weak, brittle, and fracture easily. You probably won’t have any symptoms of early-stage osteoporosis. Once your bones get weak enough, you might […]
If your first few steps out of bed in the morning cause severe pain in the heel of your foot, you may have plantar fasciitis (fashee-EYE-tiss), an overuse injury that affects the sole of the foot. A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis means you have inflamed the tough, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) connecting your heel […]
Foot Rotation May Increase The Risk of Injury

Too little or too much foot rotation may increase the risk of injury. Pronation is the natural motion of your foot during walking and running. Your gait can show a pattern of neutral pronation, overpronation, or supination (underpronation). The stresses of overpronating or supinating have been linked to a greater risk of injuries. Supination […]
How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is an age-old healing practice in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It’s primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions. Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body’s vital energy or “chi” by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Scientists say […]

A whiplash injury is most commonly thought of as an injury sustained during a car accident. However, it can occur during any incident where there is a sudden change in speed on the body. Your head is heavy, weighing approximately 5kg. Your muscles and soft tissues surrounding your neck do a very good job of […]

Sciatica is the term often given to nerve pain travelling down the leg. There’s a common misunderstanding about sciatic nerve pain—that excruciating burning, shooting, tingling pain that travels from your buttock, down your leg to your foot and toes. Contrary to popular belief, sciatic nerve pain doesn’t usually strike because of an injury to the […]

During the last few decades, we have turned into a nation of flexion addicts. We are sitting at the computer, eating, traveling in cars and planes, watching T.V, talking on the phone, and eating. We think we are sitting, but physiologically we are slumping. We are almost always inclined forward even if we are doing […]
Ways To Avoid Winter Joint Pain and Arthritis

Winter may be cozy, but it can also be painful. Muscles, ligaments, and joints just get stiffer with lower temperatures, Winter brings lots of outdoor fun, but at the same time, cold weather can make knee pain more symptomatic. Being fit and active is essential to maintaining healthy knees. Whether you are planning to hit […]