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A customized physical therapy program can help individuals return to their prior level of functioning, and encourage activities and lifestyle changes that can help prevent further injury and improve overall health and well-being. Wondering what makes physical therapy so important? In honor of Physical Therapy month in October,  here are 10 ways it may benefit […]


The foot is the foundation of movement of the lower extremity. If your first few steps out of bed in the morning cause severe pain in the heel of your foot, you may have plantar fasciitis (fashee-EYE-tiss), an overuse injury that affects the sole of the foot. A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis means you have […]


During the last few decades, we have turned into a nation of flexion addicts. We are sitting at the computer, eating, traveling in cars and planes, watching T.V, talking on the phone, and eating. We think we are sitting, but physiologically we are slumping. We are almost always inclined forward even if we are doing […]

Cupping for Sports Injury Recovery

Can it really improve your recovery and performance, and are there other ways to achieve the potential benefits? Although cupping was well publicised during this summer’s Olympic games, it is a traditional form of Chinese medicine that has been used for 2000 years – mostly in Asia but also in Egypt (known as Hijama in […]

What is Holistic Therapy

Holistic treatments are more about identifying the root of an ailment instead of just addressing symptoms, it is a more realistic approach to healing.  It focuses on wellness and prevention rather than just treating disease. Utilizes a range of techniques to help individuals understand their symptoms.  In addition, such strategies are designed to foster a […]

Everything you need to know about Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA is an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the joints. An autoimmune disease is when your body’s immune system produces a response against tissues or substances naturally present in your body. It is not known what triggers RA, but there is evidence to suggest certain lifestyle factors can increase your likelihood of developing it such […]

Daily Activities with Low Back Pain

Start the Day With Gentle Activity Slow, gentle activity in the morning can help wake up tired muscles and stiff joints. Deep, relaxed breathing when you wake up may also be helpful. But certain moves aren’t recommended if you have back pain — ask your physio what’s best for you. Wear Custom Orthotics To help […]

Back Pain And Cycling

Despite cycling being a good physical workout, it often leads to excruciating back pain. Cycling is a great low-impact activity for people suffering from lower back pain. With proper posture and the right bike size and setup, cycling is a good recovery exercise that will allow you to come back strong from an injury, without […]

Ankle Injuries: Causes and Treatments

Ankle injuries are often thought of as sports injuries. But you don’t have to be an athlete or even a “weekend warrior” to turn your ankle and hurt it. Something as simple as walking on an uneven surface can cause a painful, debilitating sprain. Ankle injuries can happen to anyone at any age. However, men […]

Understanding A Fall

There are many reasons why people fall. This article is designed to give you a better understanding of these reasons. But remember, just because you are reading this, doesn’t mean all of these reasons apply to you. It might not even mean that you have had a fall. But the more you understand, the more […]