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Herniated Discs: Understanding the Painful ‘Slip’

Your spine is a remarkable column of bones (vertebrae) that provides stability and lets you move. Between each vertebra lies a shock-absorbing disc, acting like a cushion. These discs have a tough outer ring (annulus fibrosus) and a soft, gel-like center (nucleus pulposus)   A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, […]

The Link Between Your Feet and Low Back Pain

All parts of your body are linked together. And your feet are the foundation! Your entire body is supported and balanced by your feet. Therefore, if your feet are pronated (as 99% of all people’s feet are), your body will suffer – starting with either the knee, hip, or back. Low back pain is a […]

Healing Lower Back Pain: A Guide to Relief and Recovery

Lower back pain is a prevalent issue affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. It can be caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, injury, and underlying medical conditions. Dealing with lower back pain can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to promote healing, alleviate discomfort, and prevent future occurrences. Seek […]

Physiotherapy Treatment For Natural Pain Relief

Summary:  Here in this write up you will get complete information about how physiotherapy treatment is good for pain relief in an efficient manner. Back pain is pain that felt in the back that may start from the muscles additionally with nerves, bones, joints or different structures introduce in the spine. Back pain is such […]